Exposicion; Exposiciones; Exposiciones artísticas; Exposición artística; Exposiciones de arte; Exponer
= account, display, exhibition, exposition, exposure, show, exhibit, art show, viewing.
Ex: In the interests of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.
Ex: Displays which take a theme approach, for example wild flowers, vintage cars, railways, and gather together material from different places in the library, can be useful in drawing attention to specific aspects of a library's resources.
Ex: Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.
Ex: Ninety-nine years ago Charles Cutter began his exposition of a set of cataloging rules with the following objectives.
Ex: The 1850s also saw the appearance of photolithography, whereby a chemical film spread on the surface of a litho stone or plate was rendered insoluble and water-repellent by exposure to light.
Ex: Locate the exhibit catalog for a show of American impressionists held at the Corcoran Gallery in 1985.
Ex: Models and displays set up in the salesrooms or as special exhibits are both decorative and interesting.
Ex: The library provides a range of services to its community, including homebound service, story hours, film series, literacy tutoring, income tax assistance, art shows, to name a few.
Ex: There will be a private viewing for conference-goers of Chicago's Art Institute and a reception at the Newberry Library with culinary delights created by Chef Louis Szathmary.
* ajustar la exposición = adjust + exposure.
* catálogo de exposición = exhibit catalogue, exhibition catalogue.
* celebrar una exposición = hold + exhibition.
* claridad de exposición = clarity of exposition.
* en exposición = on exhibit, on show, on display.
* exposición al sol = sun exposure.
* exposición comercial = trade show, trade exhibition.
* exposición de arte = art exhibit, art exhibition.
* exposición de fotografías = photographic exhibition.
* exposición de inauguración = opening exhibition.
* exposición de libros = book display.
* exposición de los hechos = statement of fact.
* exposición de museo = museum exhibit.
* exposiciones de fotografía = salon photography.
* exposición fotográfica = photographic exhibition, photo gallery.
* exposición indecente = indecent exposure.
* exposición itinerante = travelling exhibition.
* inauguración de la exposición = exhibition opening.
* industria de las exposiciones comerciales = trade show industry.
* montar una exposición = mount + display, mount + exhibition, put on + display, put on + exhibition.
* participante en la exposición comercial = exhibitor.
* sala de exposiciones = exhibition room, exhibit hall.
* sala de exposición y venta = show room [showroom].
* salón de exposición y ventas = salesroom [saleroom].